43 research outputs found

    Konsistentnost ocen sestojnih gostot in njihova variabilnost v gozdnih inventurah na slovenskem

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    The national estimates of forest resources in Slovenia are based on data aggregation from forest inventories conducted in forest management units of Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) and on the parallel forest inventory established within the Forest and Forest Ecosystem Condition Survey (FECS) as a continuation of international forest monitoring programme. Since the difference in sampling design and temporal dynamics of data collection is of key importance for inventories at the level of forest management units compared to large-area forest inventories, the consistency of stand densities was checked in both concepts. Comparing growing stock estimates in FECS on the systematic 4-km grid of sampling plots from SFS forest management planning, no overall significant differences in temporally comparable periods have been detected. We propose a basis enabling consistent estimates of structural forest characteristics at the national level for the process of forest inventory harmonization in Slovenia.V Sloveniji so ocene o gozdnih virih na ravni države sestavljene iz podatkov gozdnih inventur v gozdnogospodarskih enotah Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije (ZGS) in vzporedne gozdne inventure, ki je bila zasnovana v sklopu Monitoringa gozdov in gozdnih ekosistemov % popis MGGE Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije. Ker je za inventure na ravni gozdnogospodarskih enot v primerjavi s konceptom nacionalnih gozdnih inventur ključna razlika v zasnovi vzorčenja in časovni dinamiki zbiranja podatkov, smo preverili konsistentnost sestojnih gostot, ki jih ocenjujemo v obeh sklopih gozdnih inventur. S primerjavo lesnih zalog, ocenjenih v popisu MGGE in na prilagojeni sistematični 4-km vzorčni mreži vzorčnih ploskev gozdnogospodarskega načrtovanja ZGS, nismo odkrili značilnih razlik v časovno primerljivih obdobjih. Za proces harmonizacije gozdnih inventur na Slovenskem predlagamo izhodišča, po katerih bo mogoče usklajeno ocenjevati strukturne značilnosti gozdov na ravni države

    Nietzsche on Film

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Edinburgh University Press via the DOI in this record.This article tracks the many appearances of Friedrich Nietzsche throughout the history of cinema. It asks how cinema can do Nietzschean philosophy in ways that are unique to the medium. It also asks why the cinematic medium might be so pertinent to Nietzschean philosophy. Adhering to the implicit premise that, as Jacques Derrida once put it, ‘there is no totality to Nietzsche's text, not even a fragmentary or aphoristic one,’ the essay's mode of argument avoids reductive totalization and instead comprises a playful sampling of variously Nietzschean manifestations across dissimilar films. It begins with an extended account of Baby Face, a 1933 drama from which the abundant references to Nietzsche were either altered or expunged ahead of theatrical release. It then maps some of the philosophical consistencies across two genres in which characters read Nietzsche with apparent frequency: the comedy and the thriller. While comedies and thrillers both treat Nietzsche and his readers with suspicion, and do so for perceptive historical reasons, the essay then asks what an affirmatively Nietzschean film might look like. It explores this possibility through a discussion of cinematic animation in general and then more specifically via several critically familiar films that self-consciously evolve their aesthetic through Nietzsche's philosophy. The essay concludes by affirming Béla Tarr's final film as one of the medium's greatest realizations of a Nietzschean film-philosophy. The Turin Horse, released in 2011, is exemplary because it takes Nietzsche as a narrative premise only to sublate that premise into a unique visual style

    Structure of Class Feeling / Feeling of Class Structure:Laura Wade’s Posh and Katherine Soper’s Wish List

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    Theatre’s counter-hegemonic resistance to the “demonization of the working class” (Owen Jones) is the subject of this article. This resistance is analysed through case studies of two “class acts”: the elite Oxford boys in Laura Wade’s Posh (2010) and poverty-stricken youth in Katherine Soper’s Wish List (2016). My close reading of these two plays involves a reprise of Raymond Williams’s “structure of feeling”: the conjugation of “structure” and “feeling” allows me to engage with and advocate a dual concern with systems of classification, and the affective, experiential (lived) dimension of being “classified.” Moving between the class-fuelled feelings of entitlement in Posh and those of alienation in Wish List, I elucidate how, under the UK’s regime of neoliberal austerity, the label “working class” has become “sticky” (Sara Ahmed) with disgust-making properties (Pierre Bourdieu). Overall, what emerges is a critical feeling for the UK as a class-divided nation and the urgent need to resist the entrenched classifying gaze of the neoliberalist imagination

    Consistency of stand density estimates and their variability in forest inventories in Slovenia

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    V Sloveniji so ocene o gozdnih virih na ravni države sestavljene iz podatkov gozdnih inventur v gozdnogospodarskih enotah Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije (ZGS) in vzporedne gozdne inventure, ki je bila zasnovana v sklopu Monitoringa gozdov in gozdnih ekosistemov % popis MGGE Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije. Ker je za inventure na ravni gozdnogospodarskih enot v primerjavi s konceptom nacionalnih gozdnih inventur ključna razlika v zasnovi vzorčenja in časovni dinamiki zbiranja podatkov, smo preverili konsistentnost sestojnih gostot, ki jih ocenjujemo v obeh sklopih gozdnih inventur. S primerjavo lesnih zalog, ocenjenih v popisu MGGE in na prilagojeni sistematični 4-km vzorčni mreži vzorčnih ploskev gozdnogospodarskega načrtovanja ZGS, nismo odkrili značilnih razlik v časovno primerljivih obdobjih. Za proces harmonizacije gozdnih inventur na Slovenskem predlagamo izhodišča, po katerih bo mogoče usklajeno ocenjevati strukturne značilnosti gozdov na ravni države.The national estimates of forest resources in Slovenia are based on data aggregation from forest inventories conducted in forest management units of Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) and on the parallel forest inventory established within the Forest and Forest Ecosystem Condition Survey (FECS) as a continuation of international forest monitoring programme. Since the difference in sampling design and temporal dynamics of data collection is of key importance for inventories at the level of forest management units compared to large-area forest inventories, the consistency of stand densities was checked in both concepts. Comparing growing stock estimates in FECS on the systematic 4-km grid of sampling plots from SFS forest management planning, no overall significant differences in temporally comparable periods have been detected. We propose a basis enabling consistent estimates of structural forest characteristics at the national level for the process of forest inventory harmonization in Slovenia

    Forest area assessment in the Slovenian forest inventory design

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    In Slovenia, data on forest area are obtained within the framework of forest management planning and data of the actual agriculture and forest land use. The article shows the differences in the assessment methodology of forest cover and spatial structure of forests. In accordance with the concept of national forest inventories, the article suggests upgrading of the existing concept of forest inventories which, in the last decade, have been subordinate to forest management areas and differences in the economic role of forests. Based on a systematic sampling design with plots at the intersections of a 1 km grid, we deduced from orthophoto images that between 2006 and 2011 the forest cover in Slovenia was 61.1±0.7%. The article shows restrictions of orthophoto images usage and statistic concept of assessment, where the assessment subjects are groups of forest site types at the national level

    Consistency of stand density estimates and their variability in forest inventories in Slovenia

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    The national estimates of forest resources in Slovenia are based on data aggregation from forest inventories conducted in forest management units of Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) and on the parallel forest inventory established within the Forest and Forest Ecosystem Condition Survey (FECS) as a continuation of international forest monitoring programme. Since the difference in sampling design and temporal dynamics of data collection is of key importance for inventories at the level of forest management units compared to large-area forest inventories, the consistency of stand densities was checked in both concepts. Comparing growing stock estimates in FECS on the systematic 4-km grid of sampling plots from SFS forest management planning, no overall significant differences in temporally comparable periods have been detected. We propose a basis enabling consistent estimates of structural forest characteristics at the national level for the process of forest inventory harmonization in Slovenia

    Odnos javnosti do gozdov v mestih na primerih Rožnika in Golovca v Ljubljani

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    Diplomsko delo obravnava odnos javnosti do gozdov v mestih. Avtorica z anketo med obiskovalci gozdov na Rožniku (R) in Golovcu (G) v Ljubljani ugotavlja pogostost obiskov gozda in razloge zanje. Ugotavlja prepoznavnost Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije, primernost označb o delu v gozdu ter odnos do mrtvega drevja v gozdovih. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti mnenje anketiranih o urejenosti gozdov, načinu ureditve lastništva, sečnji v teh gozdovih in o počutju ob obisku. Anketa (priložnostno, neverjetnostno vzorčenje) je bila izvedena v dveh delih - v sklopu množične rekreativne prireditve in na svetovnem spletu. Anketni vprašalnik je v celoti izpolnilo 788 oseb, v raziskavo je bilo vključenih 555 obiskovalcev gozdov na Rožniku in 349 obiskovalcev gozdov na Golovcu. Rezultati so pokazali, da gre večina anketiranih (66,3 %) vsaj enkrat na teden v gozd. Najpomembnejši razlog za obisk gozda je rekreacija (sprehod, tek, kolesarjenje). Sledijo sprostitev po napornem dnevu, sprehod s psom ter umik od ljudi in mestnega vrveža. Večina anketiranih (R - 69,2 %, G - 67,0 %) obiskovalcev je z urejenostjo gozdov relativno zadovoljna. Najbolj jih motijo smeti, uničene klopi in table, viseče, mrtvo in poškodovano drevje. Največji delež anketiranih (R - 40,7 %, G- 35,0 %) meni, da bi morala gozdne parcele bodisi odkupiti bodisi najeti občina, deleža pa se razlikujeta glede na lokacijo (večji delež na Rožniku). Večina anketiranih se strinja z občasno sečnjo v teh gozdovih (R -87,0 %, G - 86,7 %) in se v gozdovih Rožnika in Golovca počuti varno (R - 77,5 %, G - 74,4%).This thesis examines the public attitude toward the forests in towns. The author researches the frequency and the reasons for visiting forests with a public survey among the visitors of the forests of Rožnik Hill (R) and GolovecHill (G) in Ljubljana. She examines how recognizable the Slovenia Forest Service is, the appropriateness of indications of forest works and the attitude towards coarse woody debris in forests. The purpose of this thesis was to find out the opinion of the surveyees about forest management, the forest ownership regulation, logging in these forests and about general feeling of visitors when they visit the forests. The survey (nonprobability sampling) was conducted in two parts, the first being a mass recreational event and the second an online survey. The survey was filled in by 788 surveyees in total, 555 of them being visitors of forests on Rožnik Hill and 349 of Golovec Hill. The results show that most of the surveyees (66.3%) walk through the forest at least once a week. The leading reason for that are recreational activities (walking, jogging, and cycling). It is followed by relaxation after a hard day\u27s work, walking the dog and retreat from people and bustling towns. The majority of the surveyees who visited the forests (R -69.2%, G - 67.0%) are relatively satisfied with the forest management. They are mostly disturbed by littering, destroyed benches and sign posts and coarsewoody debris and damaged trees. The majority (R - 40.7%, G - 35.0%) saidthat the forest parcels should be bought or rented by the municipality, and here the share is different depending on the location (bigger share on Rožnik Hill). Most of the surveyees (R - 87.0%, G - 86.7%) agree with occasional logging in these forests. Most of the surveyees (R - 77.5%, G - 74.4%) feel safe in the forests of Rožnik and Golovec Hill

    Ocenjevanje gozdnatosti v zasnovi gozdne inventure na Slovenskem

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